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Friday, 30 October 2020

I am.....

Pencil Shading by Deepti Agrawal

I am.....

Floating on a sea shell

Braving the wild violent waves

Reached the shore with grace


I am.....

Dew drop resting on a petal

Crooked branch holds still

Shines valiantly with the sun rays


I am.....

A smile on an innocent face

Funny gestures I do make

Emitting peace all around


I am.....

A bicycle on a curvy road

With the soft wind on face

Content heart and peaceful soul


 ©Copyright Deeप्ती

Participating in OctPoWriMo 2020 it's Day 30 just one day more.. Along with satisfaction to reach here I am feeling a bit low as this years beautiful journey of October is about to end. Looking forward for 2021 already. I went with few words from the Word Prompt (Wild, spontaneous, bent, funny, crooked, weird, curvy)


  1. Lovely is the exact right word to describe your poem. And fanciful.

  2. Such a pleasure to read this lovely piece....Well done Deepti ��

  3. A content heart and a peaceful've won the life lottery...Good for you:)

  4. Nicely done. :) My favorite image in this is "floating on a seashell," though the dewdrop on a petal is beautiful, also.

  5. Favorite image:
    "Braving the wild violent waves
    Reached the shore with grace"

    Thank you! xoA <3
