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Friday, 23 October 2020


Moon '2015

Thanking the stars shining bright

Toiling answers hidden deep

Tugging hopeful dreams white

Trusting instincts to keep


Harnessing the sanities

Humbled gestures speak

Hoping to find bounties

Hitching mind tweak


Arena around hums a sweet song

Anticipating the very best

Allowing sensations to belong

After eroding the darkest


Remembering the serenity

Rousing from gratitude

Replenishing the soul until eternity

Routing towards the highest altitude


 ©Copyright Deeप्ती

Participating in OctPoWriMo 2020 . Words given to show our gratitude were Hope, Dream, Anticipation, Thankful. I chose Trolaan poetry format.. It was created by Valerie Peterson Brown, is a poem consisting of 4 quatrains. 

Each quatrain begins with the same letter. The rhyme scheme is abab.

Starting with the second stanza you use the second letter of the first line of the first stanza to write the second each line beginning with that letter.

On the third stanza you will use the second letter on the first line of the second stanza and write the third each line beginning with that letter.

On the fourth stanza you will use the second letter on the first line of the third stanza and write the fourth each line beginning with that letter.


  1. I love the alliterative form. Very good write!

  2. my favourite part:
    Remembering the serenity

    Rousing from gratitude

    Replenishing the soul until eternity

    Routing towards the highest altitude

  3. "Remembering the serenity...rousing from gratitude.." beautifully Written ��

  4. Yes, higher altitude!!View from the top is interesting.😊
