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Thursday, 22 October 2020

NAMASKAAR - an Acrostic

image from net

Nothing could be more

Accurate, than inspiration from

Monks passed on from generations

Allowing big surprises to

Strike meaningful conversations

Karma’ lets the intuitive senses sprout

Arise by following your gut

Annihilate the darkness &

Remember to bow in respect..

Namaste’ 🙏


©Copyright Deeप्ती
Participating in OctPoWriMo 2020 ... Today I went with an Acrostic "NAMASKAAR or Namaste🙏" which is joining of both palms with respect and as a Humbling gesture. I also tried to use the Word Prompts - Inspiration, Intuitive, Follow your gut, Surprise.  I am reading lots of books on Yoga and Holistic lifesyles - I opened my book to find a word and first word which my eye caught was Namaskaar. Hope you enjoy it. Namaste....


  1. I love that you opened a book and found inspiration. Well done!

    1. Yes.. thanks Morgan for such wonderful exercises... And prompts.. have a blessed day..🙏

  2. Replies
    1. I am humbled by your response ... Thanks.. 🙏

  3. It is such a beautiful Hindu cultural greeting...It makes me smile to think of it...I miss it.

    1. Yes indeed.. infact due to this virus situation many across the world has adopted it as a mode if safe and respectful greeting.. 🙏

  4. I loved this. These lines in particular:
    Annihilate the darkness &
    Remember to bow in respect..

    Thank you. xoA

    1. Thanks a lot Annis for your kind words ...🙏
