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Thursday 29 October 2020


Campos de Jordaon, Brazil 2013


Walking hand in hand

On a life’s footpath

Like a wanderer in the strange realms

In search of wisdom and truth

Side by side on the sacred path


~travelling like a vagabond~


Carefree in nature and habits

Poles apart yet so near

Like the solitary railroad

Running and running never merging

Living a nomadic life.


 ©Copyright Deeप्ती

Participating in OctPoWriMo 2020 with Word Prompts ( Traveling, vagabond, nomadic, wanderer)

and the Poetry Format as Puente  a poem created by James Rasmusson, and is somewhat similar to the Diamante. Like the Diamante, you start with one aspect of a topic or issue and then, line by line, work toward another aspect. In the center is a line that bridges the two aspects together.

The form has three stanzas with the first and third having an equal number of lines and the middle stanza having only one line which acts as a bridge (puente) between the first and third stanza. The first and third stanzas convey a related but different element or feeling, as though they were two adjacent territories. The number of lines in the first and third stanza is the writer’s choice as is the choice of whether to write it in free verse or rhyme.

The center line is delineated by a tilde (~) and has ‘double duty’. It functions as the ending for the last line of the first stanza AND as the beginning for the first line of the third stanza. It shares ownership with these two lines and consequently bridges the first and third stanzas


  1. Solitary rail it's solitude.:P

  2. I like this part: Like the solitary railroad

    Running and running never merging

    nice poem :)

  3. Beautiful poem. I loved
    Running and running never merging

    Living a nomadic life.
