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Sunday 18 October 2020


Relaxing - 2015


Your life 

Full of love 

In the meadow 

Smiling - you sprint high above 

Rejuvenate with warm mellow 

Merging on horizon with bright rainbow 

Rebooting the healing process - fighting to live 

Amazing meditation brings the glow 

Happiness unfurls the tight loop 

It’s the time to believe 

How to follow 

And ignite 

Our life 



©Copyright Deeप्ती

Participating in OctPoWriMo 2020 today we were given word prompts (Rejuvenate, Reboot, Breathe, Meditation, Process, Healing) and Petry format was  Diatelle - syllable counting form like the etheree with a twist. The syllable structure of the diatelle is as follows: 1/2/3/4/6/8/10/12/10/8/6/4/3/2/1, but unlike an ethere, has a set rhyme pattern of abbcbccaccbcbba. This poetry form may be written on any subject matter and looks best center aligned in a diamond shape. The Diatelle form was created by Bradley Vrooman.